La surveillance du réseau de gaz est une tâche essentielle. Les différences importantes de consommation de gaz entre l'hiver et l'été requièrent, tout au long de l'année, des mesures précises de la pression et de la température du réseau. Tetraedre vous propose ici plusieurs systèmes qui vous aideront dans cette tâche.
It is important to be able to check the smooth running of the network. Thanks to our system, you can watch the pressure and the flow of your network of water. The system can also detect the water hammers.
The datalogger TRMC-19, developed by Tetraedre allows to read and to store the information from gas meters.
Tetraedre has developed a range of products intended for the domain of the supply/division of water. With the TRMC-19, you can improve the management of your network.
Tetraedre proposes a complete range of products for the applications of the Geotechnics. They allow to monitor a hazardous field and to increase the security of the sites which are near the dangerous areas. These products are also useful and adapted in domains like the protection of roads, highways, tunnels, houses, bridges, railway tracks, etc.
Thanks to acquired experiences, to numerous contacts with professionals and industrial services, Tetraedre has developed several products adapted to the gas applications.
Each of the products or systems bases on a atonomous datalogger (the TRMC) which transmits the data remotely via GSM or GPRS in all the countries where the GSM network is available. These products work thanks to a battery which has lifespan of several years. They are compatible multi-manufacturers and are adaptable according to your needs. Tetraedre presents you below the various possible applications of our products.